Employment is vitally important for disabled people. It enables them to integrate with society and make a contribution to society, build up friendships and develop independence and their potential in life.
NCPD is seeking representation or has got representation on FAS so as to represent and work for the interests of all disabled people on this body. In 2005, the Government passed the Disability Act and this established Sectoral Plans for various government departments. The Department of the Enterprise, Trade and Employment has a Sectoral Plan which aims to increase access to employment for all disabled people. At national level, PWDI worked with government ministers and senior civil servants to monitor and assess progress in the implementation of this plan. With the closure of PWDI, the National Council for People with Disabilities (NCPD) aims to continue this work. Click on the following link to download the Sectoral Plan - Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment . (This Sectoral Plan is in PDF file format. PDF files have been made more accessible to disabled people. Click on this sentence to view important information about PDF files and accessibility.)
Further updates to this Sectoral Plan include: Progress Reports
Employment for disabled people is a broad area and we have divided it into the following sections. Click on links below to find relevant information.