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Political Action

dail eireanneu parliament

We live in a democracy, and fully support democracy and the rights and responsibilities attached to democracy and freedom. There is a need for disabled people and their carers and representatives to persistently engage with the democratic processes and institutions and with political representatives in order to resolve issues which are of importance to all disabled people. This can take many forms. To achieve any meaningful political progress, all disabled persons and all disablity organisations must join together as one, and work for the bettterment of all disabled people. This will involve collaborating and working together to get political and state authorities to reverse unfair and unjustified cutbacks against disabled people, or to expand certain disability services to cope with increased demand, or implement new initiatives or clinics to cater for disabled people in distress, etc. etc. Organsations such as the IFA, IBEC, SIPTU have been able to use their numbers and a strong unified voice to achieve positive changes for their members over time. NCPD could fulfill such a role for disabled people and disability orgasnisations, enabling them to work together and present a strong unified voice to the government.

Since 2008 there have been significant cuts to the income of disabled people and carers and also cuts to disability services. This has been carried out at a time of increases in the costs of living, brought about by oil price rises, political instability, environmental factors affecting food security, and engrained and inflexible cost structures which have political and cultural origins. This has resulted in a drop in the standard of living for disabled people and much unnecessary hardship and suffering.

Ireland’s Human Rights and Equality Commission told the United Nations in July 2014, that austerity has ‘weakened’ the human rights of Ireland’s most vulnerable. It included cuts against the disabled people, lack of investment in services and supports, and the diminishing of their rights in this report. Read Austerity has ‘weakened’ the human rights of Ireland’s most vulnerable

The Challenges faced by Disabled people and Disability Organisaitons

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2008 (needs to be fully ratified by Dail Eireann)
We have detailed some of the requirements and provisions of this UN Convention below, and how Ireland is failing in these and in disability rights.
Failure of the Irish Government to ratify the UN Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities & meet it's Obligations

The following news report from RTE and other news sources on September 3rd, 4th and 5th 2012 shows the difficulties disabled people face now and in the future. And the need for organisations and people to work together and stand together to protect the interests and living standards and opportunities (for social and economic advancement) of disabled people. Click on links below to view video in frame below.

RTE news report - Disabled People Protesting outside Irish parliament, against cuts to Personal Assistants and Home Help, September 4th 2012 (Video 1)

Disabled People protesting outside Irish parliament against cuts September 2012 (Video 2)

Disabled People protesting outside Irish parliament against cuts September 2012 (Video 3)

Disabled People protesting outside Irish parliament against cuts September 2012 (Video 4)


Working Together for a Different World

One's community, country, economic region, world is capable of many possibilities and potentialities, many forms of economic, political and social organisation - negative or positive, constructive or destructive, uplifting and giving or parasitical and divisive. The human ability to progress, to move forward, to build better systems for the benefit of all (including disabled people) is unlimited and largely untapped, but it is up to all of us. People are not the slaves of dictators in their many forms, many supposedly "bankrupt countries" are not bankrupt, the world is not bankrupt but overflowing with abundance for all. There are ample resources, finance, credit, energy, land, property, skills, organisations etc. in place to enable every person to thrive, to flourish and achieve their potential in life. Volunteering and making changes and engaging with political processes and economic processes will help us all move towards this realisation. The following video made in the 20th century expresses this sentiment.

Source: The Great Dictator, United Artists, 1940

The political system like all systems is subject to change. Yet the political system is a subset of society and it's values ; societies tend to elect politicians which reflect dominant viewpoints and values whether these values are positive or corrupt and negative. By working together to break down old historical and cultural prejudices / barriers between people, and facilitate respect, full equality, understanding, friendship and unity between people, we hope to change the social landscape and mindset from which politicians arise.

By working together, in unity and as one voice, similar to the IFA and SIPTU, on the issues and engaging the political respresentatives and political process, we can bring about positive change for all disabled people. We have a number of facilities here to assist in this.