“People with disabilities are not only those whose disability is immediately obvious, for example, visually impaired, or people who use a wheelchair. Many disabilities which may affect employment are not obvious, for example, mental illness, heart problems, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy or hearing impairments. An impairment would substantially affect a person but which is controlled by medical treatment is still covered by the definition of disability” (Roscommon Supported Employment Service)
FÁS Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSS)
The WSS provides financial incentives to employers to employ people with disabilities to work for more than 20 hours a week. It is based on the employee’s level of productivity and the number of hours worked. Subsidies are structured under three strands and the employer can benefit from one or all.
Strand 1: Wage subsidy payment
The subsidy is calculated on the basis of an agreed productivity differences between the employee with a disability in comparison with other employees. So, for example, where an employee with a disability has a productivity level of between 50% to 80%, a maximum contribution 0f €8,639 per annum is provided based on a 39 hour week, i.e. an hourly rate of €4.26.
In the case of disabled employees who are assessed to have productivity levels of below 50% the maximum annual subsidy will be €10,748 based on a 39 hour week, i.e. an hourly rate of €5.30. The employer pays 100% of the gross wage as advertised to the employee. FÁS does not have a prescriptive system of calculating the productivity rates of employees and rates are on the basis of the integrity of employer and employee.
The FÁS Employment Retention Scheme (ERGS) aims to assist private sector employers to retrain employees who acquire an illness or impairment that affects their ability to carry out their job. In a changing employment climate in Ireland, experienced, capable staff is a precious commodity and the onset (or progression of) a condition or disability does not always immediately throw up issues of retention for employers.
The scheme aims to maintain your employability by providing funding to:
The scheme is open to every company in the private sector. Any existing employee (Working at any level in the organisation) who acquires an illness, condition, or disability that affects his or her job is covered under the scheme. Public sector employers in Ireland are not eligible to apply for these grants. Public Sector employers in Ireland are obliged to promote positive attitudes toward disability and ensure they put in place all arrangements to ensure that full integration of staff with a disability into employment.
Funding under this scheme is made available in two stages:
Stage 1: Assists employers by allowing them to “buy-in” expert skills from outside the company to develop a written individual “Retention Strategy” for any employee who acquires a disability. The Retention Strategy could set out steps needed to accommodate and, if necessary, train the employee to remain in his or her role. Alternatively the Retention Strategy could outline where the employee could be re-deployed in the company and the accommodation/re-training needed to do this.
Stage 2: Provides financial assistance (grant aid) to the employer towards the implementation of the written
Retention Strategy.
This includes grant aid towards re-training, job coaching and/or hiring an external co-ordinator to oversee the way in which your individual Retention Strategy is brought into effect.
The following activities are not eligible for funding under the Employee Retention Grant Scheme:
Developing the Retention Strategy
Stage 1: FÁS pays 90% of the programme costs ( to a maximum amount of €2,500 for each employee in order to enable the employer to hire a specialist(s) to evaluate the employee’s occupational capacity to carry out the workplace/job assessment and to develop a Retention Strategy.
Stage 2: FÁS pays funding of 90% of eligible costs to a maximum of €12,500 to help with:
A maximum period of 60 hours applies.
An employer cannot make an application for funding this scheme without having the assistance of an individualised written Retention Strategy.
How to apply
Applying for Stage 1 funding
The employer must complete and return the application form ERG 1, which is available from the local FÁS Services to Business Office.
The application form must be accompanied by:
The application form must be signed by the employee, the employer (or nominee), the employee’s line manager (where appropriate) and the Specialist.
Making a claim for stage 1 funding
The employer must complete the parts of the standard claim form ERG-Claim that relate to stage 1 and return it to their local FÁS services to Business Office. The claim form must be accompanied by:
The claim form must be signed by the employee, the employer (or nominee), the employer’s line manager (where appropriate), and the employee’s representative and the Specialist.
Applying for Stage 2 Funding
Employers can apply for stage 2 funding once Stage 1 has been completed. FÁS must approve applications for Stage 2 Funding before the Retention Strategy is implemented. The application form ERG2 must be accompanied by:
The application form must be signed by the employee, the employer (or nominee), the employee’s line manager (where appropriate), the employee’s representative and the Specialist. Where the value of an application is greater than €7,600 and a single provider provides services, the employer must obtain three independent quotations and present them to FÁS. If the lowest quote is not accepted, the employer must state the reason for the selection.
Making a claim for Stage 2 funding
The employer must complete the parts of the standard claim form ERG-Claim that relate to stage 2 and return it to their local FÁS services to Business Office. The claim form must be accompanied by:
The application form must be signed by the employee, the employer (or nominee), the employer’s line manager (where appropriate), the employee’s representative (where appropriate) and the Specialists.
Your local FÁS Services to Buildings Office will forward a copy of the general conditions governing the scheme. Staff in your local Services to Buildings Office will forward a copy of the general conditions governing the scheme. . Staff in your local Services to Buildings Office will also be happy to answer any queries and provide assistance you require.
Where to apply
Your completed application form should be forwarded to your local FÁS Services to Business Office.