There are a number of organisation which can assist a disabled person nfind employment. We have provided information about these organisations below;
FAS is the National Training and Employment Authority of Ireland. FÁS anticipates the needs of, and responds to, a constantly changing labour market which employs over 2 million people. Through a regional network of 66 offices and 20 training centres, FÁS operates training and employment programmes; provides a recruitment service to jobseekers and employers, an advisory service for industry, and supports community-based enterprises.
Source: FAS national website
Address: Island House, Cathedral Square, Galway
Telephone: 091-534400
Fax: 091-562718
Email: info@fas.ie
Website: FAS national website
IASE promotes equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities through the following measures:
To provide information to encourage the employment of people with disabilities.
People with Disabilities:
To advise, advocate and guide people with disabilities to the relevant supports available.
Policy Makers:
To influence policy and its implementation regarding employment opportunities for people with disabilities..
Public Awareness:
To educate, inform, and create awareness about the positive aspects of employing people with disabilities.
Professional Development:
To provide education, information, and training on employment to professionals working with people with disabilities
IASE work in collaboration with representatives from the following areas:
Source: IASE website
Galway Supported Employment
Contact: Michael Fleming
Operational Area: Galway City & County
Address: Failte House, John Paul Centre, Ballybane, Galway
Telephone: 091 755235 Mobile: 086 8296901
Email: michaelfleming@galway.brothersofcharity.ie
National Headquarters
National Address: IASE, 3 Broadhaven House, Lwr Barrack Street, Belmullet, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
Telephone: (097) 82894
Fax: (097) 82895
E-Mail: info@iase.ie